

Rutin, also called rutoside, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside and sophorin, is the glycoside combining the flavonol quercetin and the disaccharide rutinose (α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranose). It is a citrus flavonoid found in a wide variety of plants including citrus fruit.
Chemical relatives
Rutin, like quercitrin, is a glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin. As such, the chemical structures of both are very similar, with the difference existing in the hydroxyl functional group. Both quercetin and rutin are used in many countries as medications for blood vessel protection, and are ingredients of numerous multivitamin preparations and herbal remedies.
In veterinary medicine
Rutin may have a veterinary use in the management of chylothorax in dogs and cats.
Product name: Rutin
Latin Name: Ruta graveolens L.
Product Type: Fine yellow powder
Part of the Plant Used:Herb
Extract Method: Grain Alcohol/Water
Product Specification: 95%

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Notice: This product is only suitable for laboratory use, or the use of animals. It can not be used directly on the human body

