

Trenbolone (INN, BAN), also known as trienolone or trienbolone, as well as 19-nor-δ9,11-testosterone, Δ9,11-nandrolone, or estra-4,9,11-trien-17β-ol-3-one, is an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) of the 19-nortestosterone group. It is used in veterinary medicine in livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite. Trenbolone is used in the form of ester prodrugs, including trenbolone acetate (brand names Revalor (in combination with estradiol), Finaplix, Finajet) and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan, Hexabolan). Although it is not available as a prescription medication for humans, trenbolone enanthate (RU-1697) is sometimes sold under the nickname Trenabol.

my contact infomation is:

Whatsapp: 008615032102186

Email: bettyapi1989@163.com 

Notice: This product is only suitable for laboratory use, or the use of animals. It can not be used directly on the human body

1 条评论:

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    Testosterone Enanthate ( testosterone enan, test enanthate,test enan, test e )
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    Testosterone Isocaproate ( testosterone iso, test iso )
    Testosterone Phenylpropionate ( testosterone pp, test pp )
    Testosterone Acetate ( testosterone ace, test acetate, test ace )
    Testosterone Decanoate ( testosterone deca, test decanoate, test deca )
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    Testosterone Base ( testosterone no ester, test base )
    Testosterone Blend/Mix as your wills.
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    Nandrolone Decanoate ( deca )
    Methenolone Enanthate ( primobolan enanthate, primo e )
    Methenolone Acetate ( primobolan acetate, primo a )
    Trenbolone Acetate ( trenbolone ace, trenbo ace, tren acetate, tren ace, tren a )
    Trembolone Enanthate ( trenbolone enan, trenbo enan, tren enanthate, tren enan, tren e )
    Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate ( trenbolone hex, tren hex )
    Trenbolone blend/mix
    Drostanolone Propionate ( drostanolone prop, masteron prop, mast p )
    Drostanolone Enanthate ( drostanolone enan, masteron enan, mast e )
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    Methandrostenolone ( Dianabol,dbol )
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    Exemestane (Aromasin )
    Fluoxymethelone ( Halotestine )
    Superdrol raw materials
    Halodrol raws
    Vardenafil raw gear
    Tamoxifen Citrate ( nolvadex )
    Clomifene Citrate ( Clomid )
    Liothyronine Sodium ( T3 )
    1-Testosterone ( DHT )
    Stenbolone raw juice
    Methyl-1-Testosterone (M1T)
    Trestolone Acetate (Ment)
    Yohimbine Hydrochloride
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